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Live Commerce and E-commerce: the perfect marriage to boost your sales?

June 22, 2021

Live Commerce is an evolution of e-commerce that offers e-tailers the opportunity to promote and sell their products in real time via video streaming. This format is ideal for consumers who prefer to see the product in action and ask questions before making a purchase, a practice often difficult when shopping online.

According to an Ipsos survey, 72% of consumers hesitate to buy a product without first testing it.

Sales promotion tools to boost your E-commerce business

To boost sales and maintain a constant relationship with their customers, e-tailers can implement a variety of sales promotion strategies. These include promotional offers, private sales, animation on social networks, display, gamification and demonstration videos. Live Commerce is the perfect example of an effective digital tool for stimulating customer engagement.

What impact will Live Commerce have on your online sales platform?

Live Commerce can offer many advantages to e-tailers, such as :

  • Increased traffic and conversion rates on product sheets.
  • Enhancing the value of our offering through direct advice.
  • An increase in the rate of accessory sales and average basket thanks to the presentation of accessories that complement the main product.
  • An increase in the site's audience, with a longer visit time.
  • An increase in the number of subscribers on social networks.
  • Improved natural referencing.

A study has shown that the use of Live Commerce can positively affect these indicators.

Live or replay: which is better?

Live Shopping relies on the immediacy of the sale, but broadcasting replays on product sheets or social networks can also reach an even wider audience. For example, Fnac Darty presented Microsoft's Xbox live to 5,500 people, while the replay was viewed by over 12,000 Internet users.

According to Forbes, 90% of consumers say that video helps them make a purchasing decision. What's more, a product sheet with video generates 37% more additions to the shopping cart than one without.

By combining entertainment and quality product information, Live Shopping seduces consumers, encouraging them to make a purchase. For e-tailers, this new channel is a growth driver with a significant ROI.

China understands this, with Live Commerce accounting for 4% of all e-commerce sales in 2019, or $61 billion, and almost tripling in 2020 to $170 billion, according to iResearch. Find out how you can leverage Live Commerce to boost your sales.