Explorez de nouvelles perspectives de vente avec le Live Shopping
Book an appointment!Révolutionnez votre stratégie e-commerce dans le secteur automobile avec notre expertise Live Shopping reconnue, aux côtés de leaders tels que Norauto, Renault et Indian Motorcycles.
Why Live Shopping?

Accélérez vos ventes : pendant le Live et sur le long terme grâce au Replay.

Create a real Content Factory with content created live.

Renforcez la relation avec votre audience pour fidéliser votre clientèle.

Faites plonger vos clients dans l'action avec des fonctionnalités interactives.
Quelques chiffres Live Commerce chez Caast
With Live Shopping, our customers are seeing conversion rates of up to 12% per session.
Add to cart
The Caast solution makes it even easier to add products to the shopping cart and make sales.
Our Live Shopping packs with a launch in less than 15 days

Starter Pack
- Technical solutions (Caast Live, Replays and Shorts)
- Operational support
- 1 strategic coaching workshop

Pack 360
- Technical solutions (Caast Live, Replays and Shorts)
- Operational support
- 2 strategic coaching workshops
- Video production (1 director, 1 cameraman, microphones, lights and control room)
Our customers talk about Caast
What are the stages of your next Live Shopping event?
Project kick-off
All the necessary teams will be on hand to assess your needs and bring your Live Shopping project to fruition.
Setting up the project
Project monitoring is carried out from day one right through to Live D-day to ensure the quality of the final rendering.
Checks and Live
To ensure proper operation and quality, all tests are carried out by our teams.