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The next 4 Live Commerce trends for 2023

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What are the Live Commerce trends to follow in 2023? What impact will these trends have on your customers? Find out which trends you should adopt for your e-commerce success in 2023.

Live Shopping is a powerful commercial animation tool for e-commerce. Did you know that 65% of the top 50 French e-tailers have implemented a Live Commerce strategy? In this article, we share with you the 4 next evolutions of Live Shopping identified by our teams: 

  • Gamification during the lives
  • Live content factories
  • The integration of shoppable shorts videos in the customer journey
  • Detailed analysis of lives 

Gamification during the lives

Most Live Shopping sessions are relatively short, typically lasting between 20 and 50 minutes. Data shows that a Live Shopping view is longer than a traditional ad, averaging between 7 and 9 minutes, which allows for greater product and brand visibility. A duration without equivalent when we know that the time of attention on Internet was reduced these last years to 8 seconds (source Google). But you still need to know how to use this space wisely. 

What does this mean in concrete terms? 

Exclusive content, rewards, quizzes, polls... In 2023, the quality of Lives will increase in a major way, both in terms of the formats imagined and the interactions with your community. 

By applying gaming techniques to your Live Shopping events, you can intensify the interaction and loyalty of your viewers, and create a memorable and unique experience for your brand. We strongly advise you to think about the scripting of your content to offer an immersive and playful experience to your viewers. 

According to The future 100: In 2023, brands will have one last important mission after these last few anxious years: rethink their offerings under the sign of joy and play!

The sooner you test attractive formats, the sooner you will establish yourself as an engaged and creative brand. Add to these formats data collection processes (retargeting of replays, email campaigns etc.), and you will have a deep knowledge of your customers and their intentions

Live content factories

Live Shopping responds to customer demand for more immersive and interactive communication with brands. But the potential of the replay before, during and after the Live is often ignored.

Live offers retailers and brands a strategic opportunity to create a "Content Factory" to generate unique and original content adapted to various formats that will have a significant effect on customer experiences. Live content can be used to animate commercial highlights, to set up an event that will attract the audience and to differentiate.

"80% of the views from a live-shopping session are after the live session ends."

Data analysis shows that the majority of views related to the viewing of a Live Shopping event occur after it has been broadcast . Replay content can be segmented and integrated into the customer journey: From a product page, the replay will start at the moment the product has been presented, ...The replayed replays (shorts, best ofs, capsules) can be broadcasted on social networks and reused as needed in the customer experience.

Landing page replay Live shopping

Implementing a content strategy into your action plan will sustainably and systematically improve the quality of your product or service pages, and build customer confidence during their buying experience. Incorporating a testimonial from an expert in the field will provide valuable assistance to customers in completing the conversion process.

Detailed analysis of the Lives 

If you don't have clear objectives in mind, the analysis of your data doesn't mean much. You would never launch a campaign without first determining your success indicators. Live Shopping is no exception to this rule. 

When it comes to improving the customer experience, understanding data is a must. But to leverage it well, you have to find it first. In 2023, Lives analytics capabilities will expand, allowing for deeper exploration and better understanding of your results.

Live Shopping analysis chart

Real-time analysis of your audience's behavior during the live broadcast

Understanding your audience and its behaviors during your Lives is an important data in the creation of your commercial scenarios. It will allow you to refine your speaking engagements and optimize the results of your campaigns. Identifying when your audience is most likely to participate and when they are least likely to respond will be critical to achieving your goals.

  • ‍{Examples} You are a brand that specializes in children's clothing. The majority of your audience are working parents. You decide to start your Live at 7pm. However, the figures show that the majority of your audience watched the replay later in the evening. Considering your target audience, 7pm corresponds to the time of the meal and the bath of the children. After thinking about it, you decide to broadcast your next live later in the evening.

Systematic analysis of user satisfaction after viewing Lives or replay

The quality of the exchanges between your audience and your brand will increase thanks to the integration of feedback during and at the end of your Live Shopping. By establishing this new close relationship with your customers, you will be able to know their opinion on certain products, their expectations and their feedback on the Live itself. This transparency opens the way to a more community-based, more engaged Live Shopping experience where users become your own ambassadors. 

A systematic analysis of user satisfaction after viewing lives or replay allows you to better understand which lives are performing well and why. This data allows you to focus the lives on the information that viewers want; always in a strategy of continuous improvement.

  • {Exemple} Vous êtes un distributeur et vous avez fait un Live avec un célèbre chef, présentant une nouvelle collection d’ustensiles de cuisine co-brandée. Tous les signaux sont au vert et votre Live est une réussite. Or, vous découvrez via les feedback en fin de Live, que votre audience aurait aimé en savoir un peu plus sur votre produit. Bonne nouvelle ! Votre audience est donc réceptive ; l’occasion pour vous de rebondir et de créer une série de vidéos capsules sur les caractéristiques de vos nouveaux ustensiles. Vous voilà avec du contenu commercial à intégrer dans votre planning qui répond aux attentes de vos clients.

Connection to Analytics tools (Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, Piano Analytics, Data studio etc)

Thanks to the synchronization of analytics tools with live shopping platforms, you will be able to follow the entire customer journey and track your traffic data from each channel. In an era where the user's browsing path is becoming more and more opaque, this data is a precious indicator to think about your omnichannel strategies. Thanks to UTM tags, follow your audience and analyze the global impact of your Live on your customer's journey and conversions.

  • ‍{Example} You're a private label and launch a great promotion that's valid exclusively during Lives. But after analyzing your organic data, few viewers arrived on your dedicated landing page. It's probably because there was a problem with your communication or tracked links ahead of your event. 

By analyzing this live data, you'll get a complete picture of Live performance. Use this information to craft a Live that truly meets your brand's needs and goals, and compare it from event to event to see trends. The more this data is leveraged, the more powerful a tool it can be to drive your online business.

The integration of shoppable shorts videos in the customer journey 

Youtube shorts, Instagram stories, Reels, Tiktok...Social media have become very popular thanks to the appearance of new short formats that meet the demand for speed and immediacy. The arrival of shoppable video shorts in the e-commerce experience opens the way to the development of original formats, more authentic and "snackable", which will seduce the most "digital natives " and boost the attractiveness of e-commerce platforms.

"Generation Z" makes up over 30% of the world's population. Most members of this generation of digital natives tend to be 'all social, all online, all the time.

Why integrate this social commerce format to your own website? 

"Shoppable videos can be used in all sectors, whether it's household appliances, high-tech, cosmetics, fashion... It's as much about presenting a product from every angle as it is about promoting an entire range. For a vacuum cleaner, for example, a series of videos will show the design of the product, how to change the bag, how to use the different accessories...
As we approach a commercial highlight, such as Mother's Day, the shoppable videos will instead highlight the different products in a makeup or body care line. Each time, the purchase will be as easy as the next: in one click, the consumer puts the product in the shopping cart. Antoine Leclercq, CEO of Caast.TV

‍ShoppableShorts Videos

Shoppable shorts videos offer users a social commerce experience natively integrated into the online platform. These interactive elements provide a personalized shopping experience by interest and interaction with the video itself. They optimize the sales channel by limiting the number of clicks needed to get to the cart while maintaining the shoppable video experience.

  • {Example} For the launch of a new product, a collection of video shoppable shorts could be proposed around specific characteristics, or the latest customer video reviews.
  • {Example} On an e-commerce site specialized in toys, you could very well find a collection of the 7 best games for 8-10 year olds in the run-up to Christmas, thus facilitating the inspiration of parents in need of gift ideas for their child.


The "Shoppable Shorts Videos" format will also be developed with retailers, allowing them to propose a differentiating and efficient offer to improve the visibility of brands on their e-commerce platforms. It will become a complementary offer to the lives already proposed.

In summary for 2023

If Live Shopping is an extraordinary growth driver, it is because it offers an experience that is unparalleled in the world of online commerce. Its development has been significantly accelerated by the events of the last two years, pushing consumers to turn to full digital shopping experiences. 

The fact that Facebook and Instagram were the pioneers of social commerce certainly explains why Internet users want the same practices from e-retailers. Accustomed to a certain standard in their digital practices, they expect more innovation from brands and a more memorable shopping experience, close to what they can feel on social networks or, conversely, in store.

Feedback, surveys, snackable content... Consumers want to have an entertaining experience; they are more likely to make a purchase when they have the possibility (or the impression) of interacting with more community-based content, of being in exchange with brands.

For e-retailers, this means implementing content strategies that are more focused and refined around the purchasing process and, as a result, more precise customer data to analyze. Working on the scripting, the experience around the product, polling audiences on their purchase intentions and building an omnichannel strategy around the results will be the objectives to reach in order to succeed in your transition to social commerce. 

These trends will soon become part of the e-commerce landscape. Are you ready for the challenge?