Join us at Viva Technology in Paris from May 22 to 25.
Caast Viva Technology - Paris May 22-25.
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November 9, 2023 - 10 a.m.

The Art of capturing
Live Shopping audiences:
techniques and practices

Are you ready to master the subject of live shopping audiences? If you're determined to seduce new consumers, improve your performance and boost your sales, this webinar is for you!

Join us for this session where we'll explore in depth the essential techniques and practices for attracting and retaining a captive audience during your live shopping sessions with Antoine Leclercq and his guests.

On the program:

  • The fundamentals of audience capture in live shopping.
  • Strategies for generating interest and maintaining commitment.
  • Tips for creating an interactive, immersive experience
  • Intelligent use of social networks and promotional tools.
  • Case studies and feedback from professionals

Our guests for this webinar are:
- Clémence Lechevalier (Live shopping project manager at Boulanger)
- Frederic Faitfeu (Service manager at Pierre Fabre Group)
They will share their in-depth knowledge and answer your questions live.

Don't miss this opportunity to become an expert in live shopping audience capture.

How about improving your customers' experience together?


360° support

Throughout the collaboration, you'll benefit from human support for project management and Live Shopping strategy.

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A simple solution

It takes less than 30 minutes to integrate the entire Caast solution on any e-commerce site without technical teams.


Recognized expertise

With over 1,000 Live events with leading e-tailers. Take advantage of our expertise to improve your sales.

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