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Live Shopping: the importance of replay in your e-commerce strategy

February 8, 2024

Live Shopping combines e-commerce with live streaming, boosting online shopping by enabling consumers to instantly add products presented live to the shopping cart.

The strength of live shopping also lies in replay. This live broadcasting tool plays a crucial role in e-commerce strategy, offering an invaluable opportunity for brands to reach and convert their audience via live commerce.

1. Live Shopping, Streaming and Replay

A Live Shopping presenter on the set, the broadcast is about to start.

Live Shopping or Live Commerce is an online sales solution that combines e-commerce with live streaming. It enables consumers to watch product presentations in real time, usually hosted by influencers, experts or sales consultants, and instantly purchase the items that interest them. This live interaction creates a more human and engaging shopping experience, making sales for brands and retailers more successful.

Streaming is the technology that enables audiovisual content to be broadcast live online. It allows users to watch videos or listen to audio in real time. This is the broadcast technology used in Live Shopping.

Replay, in the context of Live Shopping, refers to the ability to revisit live broadcasts after their initial broadcast. It allows consumers to re-watch product presentations, review demonstrations and interactions with presenters, and even make purchases even after the live broadcast has ended. Replay is an essential component of Live Shopping, enabling brands to reach a wider audience and maximize the impact of their Live events.

2. Importance of Replay in Live Shopping

2.1 The advantages of Replay in the purchasing process

A replay available on a linked product page on the Boulanger website
A replay available on a linked product page on the Boulanger website

Replay offers many advantages for shoppers. First and foremost, they can watch Live Shopping at their own pace and at a time that allows them to pay close attention. They can pause, rewind to review important details, or even skip parts that don't interest them.

What's more, Replay offers consumers the opportunity to make more informed purchasing decisions. By watching the Replay, they can take the time to think about their needs, compare different products and do additional research before making a purchasing decision. Admittedly, the sense of urgency created by Live is less strong, but the decision will be more considered and can also help reduce the number of returns and increase customer satisfaction.

This makes Replay a particularly attractive option for unusual purchases and services, such as cars or vacations.

2.2 The impact of Replay on sales

a buyer completing an online purchase

The impact of Replay on sales should not be underestimated. Part of the sales generated by Live Shopping actually come from Replay. In reality, not all potential buyers can or want to watch live broadcasts. Replay therefore gives them a second chance to discover products and make a purchase.

Replay also enables brands to extend the life of their Live Shopping content. Instead of being limited to one live broadcast window, brands can continue to attract new viewers and generate sales long after the live broadcast has ended.

To measure the impact of your Replays and Lives, don't neglect to track your ROI indicators. Analyzing them both live and retrospectively enables you to decide on potential changes that will enable you to boost your sales performance with Live and Replays.

2.3 How to optimize the use of Replay in Live Shopping

To optimize the use of Replay in Live Shopping, it's essential to understand the viewing behavior of your live commerce audience. Analyze your Replays' viewing data to find out when and how your viewers watch your Replay, and use this information to improve your future live broadcasts and Replay strategies.

To maximize the ROI of Replays in your e-commerce strategy, add Replays to your product page, as enabled by the Caast solution. They'll make conversions easier for your online shoppers, with an additional reference, and with a concrete situation, thus complementing the more generic videos on the product page.

a bedding product page containing a replay of the Live Shopping presentation
Françoise Saget product page with Live Shopping replay (bottom right)

For example, if you notice that the majority of your viewers watch your Replays one or two hours before or after your Live, you might consider scheduling your live broadcasts at these times. Similarly, if you notice that your viewers tend to skip certain parts of your Replays, you could look into making these parts more engaging or removing them altogether.

Your Replays can also be turned into shoppable videos, like Caast Shorts, which condense information into shorter video content. Broadcast on your product pages, your Live pages, or even on Social Networks, they boost your sales and redirect potential buyers to the Replay, or even directly to a conversion through a purchase.

A web page featuring shoppable videos
An Orange page dedicated to refurbished phones with Caast Shorts presenting the service

3. Integrating Replay into your e-commerce strategy

3.1 Steps to integrate Replay into your strategy

Integrating Replay into your e-commerce strategy means integrating Live Shopping in general into your e-commerce strategy. Here are a few key steps:

  • Identify your goals: Before you get started, it's important to clearly define what you hope to accomplish with Replay. Do you want to increase sales, improve customer engagement, or achieve some other specific objective?
  • Plan and push your live broadcasts: Think about how you can create live broadcasts that will also be interesting to watch on Replay. This could include adding interactive segments, product demos, or other elements that add value for Replay viewers.
  • Promote your Replays: Make sure your customers know that your live broadcasts are available as Replay. You can do this by sending follow-up e-mails, sharing links to your Replay on social networks, or using other promotional methods.

3.2 Best practices for using Replay

Effective use of Replay requires an understanding of best practice. First, make sure your Replay is easy to find and access. Place them on a dedicated page on your website or app, and make sure they're clearly pulled.

With Caast, you can benefit from automatic replays on your Lives pages, as shown below for Norauto.

a web page featuring all the retailers' replays
Norauto Live Shopping and Replays page

Secondly, consider your Replays as an integral part of your marketing content. Use them to complement your other marketing efforts, such as your direct mail campaigns, social networking posts and blogs. For example, you can share excerpts from your Replays on social networks, or include links to your Replays in your marketing e-mails.

Finally, don't forget to add them to the product pages presented in Live, to boost sales and enable buyers to see their product in real use, thus avoiding frequent product returns.

3.3 A case study in the successful integration of Replay into e-commerce

Many brands have successfully integrated Replay into their e-commerce strategy, and have seen convincing results, especially on specific products purchased infrequently by consumers.

Indian Motorcycle, a historic brand of motorcycles, was able to carry out Live Shopping with Caast, for products whose impulse buying is less strong than in other sectors, due to the very nature of the purchase.

This Live event, broadcast in different languages depending on the country, was a great success, attracting viewers from all over the world. This enabled the brand to reach a much wider audience than a traditional in-store launch. What's more, the event remains accessible on replay for those who were unable to see it live, thus extending its reach. Indian Motorcycle's Live Shopping operation is a perfect example of how technology can help brands get closer to their customers and create unique shopping experiences.

Ultimately, Live Shopping and Replay are powerful Live commerce tools that can help brands connect with their customers in a more personal and interactive way. By effectively integrating Replay into your e-commerce strategy, you can not only improve your customers' experience, but also increase your sales, your reach, and limit your buyers' returns.