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[WEBINAR] How to create compelling content for your Live Shopping events

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Live Shopping enables e-tailers to connect interactively and authentically with their audience, to boost sales. The webinar "Creating captivating Live Shopping content: Secrets of successful e-tailers" offered invaluable tips for success in this area.

Don't have time to watch the replay? Here's an overview of the key learnings and practical tips for creating engaging and effective Live Shopping.

1. Engaging your audience: the key to success

Why it's important: Successful Live Shopping relies on audience interaction and engagement. The more viewers are involved, the more likely they are to stay, ask questions, and ultimately buy.

How to get there:

  • Encourage interaction: answer questions live, organize polls and quizzes. This not only keeps viewers interested, but also makes them feel valued and involved.
  • Have fun: Show that you're enjoying the moment. Your enthusiasm is contagious and may encourage spectators to return for other sessions.
  • Play on your audience's emotions: original promotions, totally innovative content and competitions are your allies in this approach.
A slide showing the impact of Live Shopping

By engaging your Live Shopping audience, you can maximize your impact and increase your web traffic, conversion rate and average shopping basket.

2. Diversify your content

Limiting Live Shopping to product presentation alone can become monotonous. Diversifying content creates a deeper connection with viewers.

How to get there:

  • Go behind the scenes: Offer a glimpse into the design and manufacturing processes behind your products. This builds credibility and humanizes your brand.
  • Tell stories: Use Live to share anecdotes, product tips and relevant information. It makes the session more captivating and memorable.
  • Create high-performance content by working upstream on your concept and linking it to your brand.
A slide showing the differences between brand, concept, content and rendering in Live Shopping.

3. Measuring engagement

Understanding what works and what doesn't is crucial to continually improving your Live Shopping sessions.

How to get there:

  • Analyze interactions: Observe survey participation, product clicks and questions asked. Use this data to fine-tune your future Lives.
  • Track retention rates: Note how many viewers stay until the end of your Live. Quality, engaging content will have a higher retention rate.

4. Planning and creativity

Why it matters: Good planning and creative content are essential to captivate audiences and keep them engaged.

How to get there:

  • Prepare your presentations: Involve product experts, product managers or designers to present products in an authentic and passionate way.
  • Be creative: Think of special themes for your Lives, such as product launch events or special holiday sessions.
  • Communicate your Live Shopping sessions in line with your theme and Live content.

Caast recommends a 5-step methodology for producing quality content that ensures optimal performance:

  1. Give the video a theme and answer the question "What's the reason for this speech?".
  2. Build a clear script that answers the question "What story are we telling?"
  3. A concept and best practices for animation: "How to tell the story".
  4. Playing on interaction and even gamification, enabled by Live Shopping: "How to get the audience on board".
  5. Promote your offer, services and products to trigger purchases.
A slide explaining the methodology for creating high-performance Live Shopping content.

Concrete use cases

The cases of Orange, Center Parcs, and Décathlon were shared during the webinar to illustrate these points:

  • Orange has used Live Shopping for product launches, involving experts to answer technical questions in real time.
  • Center Parcs showed behind-the-scenes videos of their parks, creating an emotional connection with viewers, with a Live Branding approach.
  • Décathlon featured Live Shopping sessions showing the behind-the-scenes creation of its products, from design explanations to real-life testing.

To get started with Live Shopping and create quality content, it's essential to remember the importance of spontaneity, engagement, humanization and planning. By following these tips and drawing on the concrete examples shared during the webinar, you can make your Live Shopping sessions even more effective.